Sunday 9 August 2009

The School Trip

We had the bestest ever school trip yesterday. And we didn't have to wear uniform, not even our NGM tee shirts, so I wore my Little Miss Trouble tee shirt! We went to Stonehenge. It was brill. By "we" I mean Miss Livingstone our long suffering Headmistress, Mr Malcolm, and Professor Robertson, who were the beaks in charge, then there was me, tommy mac, peter martin and sarah robinson. It's difficult, being summer time, for all the pupils to get together outside of term, lots of them have Guardians who take them to nice places like Cornwall or Blackpool. My Guardian sent me to stay with his miserable Cousin at Gloom House in Grim Cove, but they didn't keep me long, however that's another story!!
Back to yesterday. My Guardian decanted me at the Headmistress's house. We were a few minutes late owing to unexpected developments at home, but I got there before tommy mac!!! Yayy, tommy was late, again....Miss Liversausage told him off! We sat quietly in the car while we were driven down to a carpark near Amesbury, I think it was called, where we met Prof Robertson who had very kindly offered to bring sarah robinson down with him. Peter martin was dropped off, presumably by his guardian but I didn't see him arrive at first, then Mr Malcolm arrived. I'd tried sending Mr Malcolm some alternative driving directions and a change of time, but he'd sussed out what I was doing and I was under strict instructions to behave myself, or else!
Tommy, me, peter and sarah got into a huddle cos we wanted to apprise sarah of a couple of things we have got plotted for next term and her Guardian doesn't have computer privileges. Bit of a Luddite or so I understand from sarah. Anyway, the Beaks were immediately suspicious, they always are when they see a gaggle of us together, can't imagine why. So it ended up that tommy and peter were kept together with Miss L, sarah had to ride with Prof, and Mr Malcolm made me ride in his car with a threat of a reprimand if I didn't toe the line. His reps tend to burn strips off your skin, so I thought I'd better be good.
Eventually we parked, and walked along this track towards Normanton Down Cemetery. The landscape was amazing, softly rolling hills with humps along their ridges. Miss Liversausage explained that these were barrows. There are lots of different types, and this area is fair peppered with them. The bronze age people and the neolithic people used to park their dead relatives in these barrows, along with grave goods. Tommy wanted to go and dig a hole, but Miss L said we were not allowed to go right up to them.
After a while, the track that we were following rose up and up, and then, at the crest, we could see right across the valley to where Stonehenge stood out in all its glory. It was spectacular to us 21st century folk, and we knew it was there, it must have been awe inspiring to the ancient folk.
After a stop for drinks, we pottered back to the cars, and went round to Stonehenge itself.
First priority was lunch. The weather was glorious and we just sat in the field and munched and chatted. Miss Livingstone wanted to take us all across to see the barrows up close. By this time, I was in a bit of difficulty. My walking boots are still rather new, and a bit stiff, and I'd managed to grow an enormous blister on the side of my big toe, plus the waistband of my jeans was scraping across the scar I acquired recently in hospital, and my side felt like it was on fire.
The beaks were somewhat reluctant to leave me to my own devices. Eff-one (Mr Malcolm) seemed to be of the opinion that I might knock the stones down like a domino run if I wasn't watched. I think he was still a tad miffed cos I'd suggested we use him as a sacrificial goat as a sort of practical lesson on what happened in the olden days at Stonehenge!
Anyway, I believe lots were drawn, and it fell to Prof Robertson to give up the 3 mile round trek to the barrows and supervise my behaviour. Having felt his hand on more than one occasion, I decided I didn't want to run the risk of a spanking and sat quietly while the others set off on their expedition. It was very comfortable sitting in the sun. Prof Robertson and I discussed various aspects of military history, and the life and times in the late nineteen forties, fifties and sixties, so the time passed quickly and pleasantly.
When the others returned, we were taken to a harvester restaurant where we had a scrummy meal. Everyone was still on their best behaviour and it was fun eating with the grown ups.
After that we said goodbye to Sarah and Prof cos they had a long way to go home, and we went off to drive home. It was super fun, and I do hope we get to go on another day trip.
Bethany Grant
Head Girl

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